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About Us

Welcome to Chabad of Toco Hills (CTH)! We are a young and vibrant shul in the Toco Hills Neighborhood. Opened in 2016, CTH is open to people of all backgrounds with a special focus on young families. Our lively services, family holiday celebrations, exciting youth activities, interactive classes, and men's and women's events directly cater to the Jewish and social needs of the community. Inspired by the teachings of chassidus, Chabad of Toco Hills brings the Joy of Judaism into your daily life.

Our Rabbi & Rebbetzin:


Rabbi Yale and Rickelle New, together with their six children, have been our spiritual leaders since our shul's inception. Rabbi Yale grew up in Atlanta, Georgia and attended Yeshiva in Chicago, New York and Israel. He received his Smicha from Rabbi Dovid Schochet through the Atlanta Smicha Program.

Mrs. Rickelle New grew up in Melbourne, Australia and attended Beth Rivkah Ladies College and Seminary Chaya Mushka in Israel. After completing her studies in Israel, Rickelle spent 2 years as the volunteer coordinator and program coordinator at Friendship Circle of Michigan.

Rabbi Yale and Rickelle were married in 2010 in Melbourne Australia, after which Rabbi Yale studied in Kollel and Rickelle was the administrative director of Sprit Grow Center until their move to Atlanta in 2011. Rabbi Yale and Rickelle direct Friendship Circle of Atlanta, a non-profit that caters to the needs of the Atlanta Jewish special needs community. 

Wed, October 23 2024 21 Tishrei 5785